
Komu no Jutsu-

Level 1 = Reduce magic resistance by 7% each second
Level 2 = 10% each second
Level 3 = 13% each second
Level 4 = 16% each second

Yokai no Jutsu-

Level 1 = Deals 100dmg and slows units by 10% for each debuff on them, staching a maximum of 1 time last for 2.5s
Level 2 = 150dmg/10%/2,5s/1times
Level 3 = 200dmg/10%/2,5s/2times
Level 4 = 250dmg/10%2.5s/3times

Lava Globs-

Level 1 = Deals 70% of Mizukage´s intelligence and reduces enemy hero´´s accuracy by 20% over 2.5s
Level 2 = 80%/20%/2,5s
Level 3 = 90%/20%/2.5s
Level 4 = 100%/20%/2.5s

Mizukage´s Pressence-

Level 1 = Mizukage sa vráti 10% minutej čakry z jutsu.
Level 2 = 20%
Level 3 = 30%



Raiton no Yoroi-

 Uberie 200dmg a obklopí ho elektrina, ktorá uberá 80dmg každú 0,4s vo vzdialenosti 250 AOE.
Level 1 = Reduces psyhical dmg taken by 10%
Level 2 = 15%
Level 3 = 20%
Level 4 = 25%

Raigyaku Suihei-

Level 1 = Sila x1 v okruhu 250 AoE a spomalí jednotky o 15%
Level 2 = Sila x 1,2/250 AoE /20%
Level 3 = Sila x 1,4/250 AoE/ 25%
Level 4 = Sila x 1,6/250 AoE/ 30%


Level 1 = K protivníkovi zrychlí o 800MS, uberie 100x Factor dmg a omráči nepriateľa na 1.25s
Level 2 = 1000MS/130x Factor dmg/ 1,5s
Level 3 = 1200MS/165x Factor dmg/ 1,75s
Level 4 = 1400MS/200 Factor dmg/ 2s

Raiga Bomu-

Level 1 = uberie 150dmg a zmenší obranu nepriateľa o 7 v okolí 350 AoE
Level 2 = 225dmg/-7armor/450AoE
Level 3 = 300dmg/-7armor/525AoE